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Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Students and Teaching About the Power of YET


Updated: Jan 13, 2024

Sign with plant that says "Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations."
A growth mindset teaches us to embrace failure as an opportunity to grow.

As we settle into the new school year, we be nurturing a growth mindset in students and teaching them about the power of "yet."

Coined by the renowned psychologist Carol Dweck, of the Growth Mindset Institute, this transformative concept revolves around the belief that with dedication and resilience, individuals can cultivate and enhance their innate talents and abilities.

An illustration of growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.
A growth mindset focusses on progress over time; a fixed mindset that cuts off the possibility of learning to do new things.

In stark contrast, a fixed mindset sees talents and intelligence as unchangeable traits, leading individuals to focus on proving rather than improving. The core belief is that success hinges solely on inherent abilities, dismissing the importance of effort and perseverance. When it comes to nurturing a growth mindset in students, we help them understand the success is best measured by progress against yourself and doing a little better each time over time, as opposed to giving up when we don't get something right the first time.

A Game-Changer for Our Kids:

The implications of embracing a growth mindset are profound, especially for our young learners. We recognize the importance of instilling in them the belief that their potential is not predetermined but can be developed through hard work and dedication. Our aim is for the kids to believe in themselves as fervently as we believe in them.

The Power of YET:

Last week, our discussions revolved around a pivotal aspect of the growth mindset—the Power of YET. By introducing the term "yet" into our vocabulary, we open the door to a world of possibilities. It serves as a reminder that although a concept or skill might not be mastered at this moment, it doesn't mean it won't be in the future. We even created our own "imaginary magical Yet dude" to offer that extra bit of support as we navigate this mindset shift.

Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone:

One of the cornerstones of cultivating a growth mindset is redefining our perspective on failure. Traditionally viewed negatively, failure is, in fact, an integral part of the learning process. It's through setbacks that resilience is nurtured, and essential life skills like compassion, understanding, and empathy are developed. Our approach encourages children not just to accept mistakes but to own them and use them as stepping stones toward progress. In this journey, we emphasize progress over perfection, recognizing that it is the journey of improvement that truly matters.

As we embark on this year infused with the ethos of Growth Mindset, we envision a transformation in how our students approach challenges, setbacks, and, most importantly, their own potential. By fostering a culture that celebrates effort, perseverance, and continuous learning, we are laying the groundwork for a generation that embraces challenges with resilience and sees opportunities for growth in every experience.

In the coming months, stay tuned for inspiring stories, practical tips, and uplifting moments as we navigate the exciting terrain of Growth Mindset together. This is not just a theme; it's a philosophy that will shape the minds and hearts of our students, paving the way for a future where the possibilities are boundless. Further Understanding: Download your free Growth Mindset poster courtesy of the Growth Mindset Institute.

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